// this code is not protected from variable substitution of the generator!!!
$level = 5;
$param = <<
Algorithm Accountability Lab: Publikationen
Anna Zakharova, Sarah AM Loos, Julien Siebert, Aleksandar Gjurchinovski, Jens Christian Claussen, Eckehard Schöll, Controlling chimera patterns in networks: Interplay of structure, noise, and delay , Control of Self-Organizing Nonlinear Systems, 3-23, 2016, Springer International Publishing
Julien Siebert, Sergo Alonso, Markus Bär, Eckehard Schöll, Dynamics of reaction-diffusion patterns controlled by asymmetric nonlocal coupling as a limiting case of differential advection , Physical Review E, 89, 5, 052909, 2014, American Physical Society
Julien Siebert, Eckehard Schöll, Front and Turing patterns induced by Mexican-hat-like nonlocal feedback,EPL (Europhysics Letters) , 109, 4, 40014, 2015, IOP Publishing
Iryna Omelchenko, Anna Zakharova, Philipp Hövel, Julien Siebert, Eckehard Schöll, Nonlinearity of local dynamics promotes multi-chimeras , Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 25, 8, 083104, 2015, AIP Publishing
Anna Zakharova, Sarah AM Loos, Julien Siebert, Alexandar Gjurchinovski, Eckehard Schöll, Chimera patterns: influence of time delay and noise , IFAC-PapersOnLine, 48, 18, 7-12, 2015, Elsevier
Jakob Löber, Rhoslyn Coles, Julien Siebert, Harald Engel, Eckehard Schöll, Control of chemical wave propagation , Engineering of Chemical Complexity II, 12, 185, 2014, World Scientific
Tomas Navarrete Gutierrez, Julien Siebert, Laurent Ciarletta, Vincent Chevrier, Influence of space and time dimensions in multi-agent models of the free-riding collective phenomenon 2012, INRIA
Benjamin Camus, Julien Siebert, Christine Bourjot, Vincent Chevrier, Modélisation multi-niveaux dans AA4MM , 20èmes Journées Francophones des Systèmes Multi-Agents-JFSMA'12, 2012, CoRR abs/1210.5936
Julien Siebert, Laurent Ciarletta, Vincent Chevrier, Agents and artefacts for multiple models coordination: objective and decentralized coordination of simulators , Proceedings of the 2010 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 2024-2028, 2010, ACM
Tom Leclerc, Julien Siebert, Vincent Chevrier, Laurent Ciarletta, Olivier Festor, Multi-modeling and co-simulation-based mobile ubiquitous protocols and services development and assessment , International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking, and Services, 273-284, 2010, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
Julien Siebert, Laurent Ciarletta, Vincent Chevrier, Agents and artefacts for multiple models co-evolution: building complex system simulation as a set of interacting models , Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems: volume 1-Volume 1, 509-516, 2010, International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems
Tomas Navarrete Gutierrez, Julien Siebert, Laurent Ciarletta, Vincent Chevrier, Impact des dimensions spatiale et temporelle dans la modélisation d'un phénomène collectif de type free-riding , 18èmes Journées Francophones des Systèmes Multi-Agents-JFSMA'10, 2010
Julien Siebert, Laurent Ciarletta, Vincent Chevrier, De l'intérêt du couplage de modèles pour appréhender les interactions utilisateurs-réseaux dynamiques , Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information-Série RIA: Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle, 749-776, 2009
Julien Siebert, Joris Rehm, Vincent Chevrier, Laurent Ciarletta, Dominique Méry, AA4MM coordination model and event-B specification , 2009, INRIA
Julien Siebert, Vincent Chevrier, Laurent Ciarletta, Entwined Influences of Users' Behaviour and QoS: A Multi-model Approach , Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5127, 175, 2008, Springer-Verlag
Julien Siebert, Laurent Ciarletta, Vincent Chevrier, Impact du comportement des utilisateurs dans les réseaux pair-à-pair (P2P): modélisation et simulation multi-agents , 16es Journées Francophones des Systèmes Multi-Agents-JFSMA'08, 129-138, 2008
Julien Siebert, Laurent Ciarletta, Vincent Chevrier, Agent-based modelization for p2p networks , 1st EMANICS Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Management, 2008
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